What we do
If you are in the midst of any major transition or about to be there, and wish to move forward with confidence, make us your first point of contact. Find out the 5 main tools for adjusting well and getting situated properly regardless of the transition. No doubt, these tools could be in your hands already but may be lying dormant because of fear, insecurities, doubt or confusion. We are in the business of helping champions unleash the winner which they already are but may have forgotten or perhaps, just need a reminder or gentle boost. Services we offer include:
Transitions / Consultations
United States Citizenship / Residency and Other Services
Life Coaching
Best Travel Prices
Angie's Book
Lost Crossing BroadWay
If you must migrate, be smart about it; what you don't know HURTS. Get settled right and learn to spot the liar seeking documents overseas rather than love in marriage. In her eye-opening book, Angie Marie highlights the must-knows for immigration into the U.S. based on the real-life experiences of hundreds of immigrants.
Our 'MY-GREAT' tool helps people overcome obstacles for seamless life transitions.
With over 25 years in advocacy, administration, consulting, education, finance, and research, combined, Angie Marie has a wealth of resources, strategies, tools, and input to help her audience avoid pitfalls that often follow major change; and she assists them to become the icon of success that they were created to be.
We help people who are taking on international transitions and looking to establish a sound footing as they get started with their pursuits in a new country. The groups that will benefit most from our offerings include:
International students
Persons handling difficult transitions or facing separation trauma
Military families
Stay-at-home moms
Immigrants with personal dreams / goals​
People of Caribbean or African descent looking to immigrate to the U.S.
Immigrants seeking entry to West Africa
Those traveling to the Caribbean
Need assistance with completing immigration documentation? Looking for general transition advice? Have other travel and settlement needs?
Angie Marie Has Been
Featured On
Angie Marie has worked with many individuals to bring out their inner champion during challenging times and has also been featured in the Media and at speaking events around the world.


What People Say

Dr. Fenni, N.N Kasita, Namibia
"It was an honor and privilege learning from Angie Marie. Her seminar unraveled insights I never viewed with as much importance before. The event and her book were eye-openers as I face the journey and the transition as a medical doctor. Thank you, Angie; continue empowering the youth."

Dr. Anuye Emmanuel Jude, Nigeria
"I sat in Angie Marie's life-transforming seminar in the Ukraine dubbed “ What’s in Your Hands; “ she unraveled some insights that have helped sharpen my career and ignited a light in us that will shine across the globe. I learned that a pen/ stethoscope in a doctor's hands can be a solution to diverse issues and that God has placed me as an answer to many problems. I came to realize that what I carried wasn’t trivial but an untapped potential to change the world"

Dr. Yaa Owusuaa Offei-Darko, Ghana
"Angie Marie has the unique skill of captivating her audience with rich, insightful, practical, and relatable material, which helped us in our transition from medical school in the Ukraine to face the realities of life in our professions back home in Ghana. It meant a lot to me that I left the conference feeling empowered in my faith and abilities as a doctor, while also desiring more sessions like hers."
Consumer Affairs Commission, Jamaica
"Angie’s work spans as many continents including North & South America, Europe, and Africa as both a regionalist and a global mover and shaker of people’s rights. The former CEO of Jamaica’s Consumer Affairs Commission was the powerhouse behind the shaping of the Consumer Protection Act (2005) in Jamaica and one of the leading voices in the movement to harmonize consumer protection in the Caribbean. Her move to the United States expanded into various countries where her sense of fairness sharpened her advocacy for multiculturalism and a deeply committed philosophy of ‘one world one people.’"